Helen Breach

Artist and Designer


How to buy

Items that are listed for sale have a 'buy' button. Click the 'buy' button to view the item in more detail and if you wish to proceed, add the item to your basket. The checkout and payments process is handled securely and safely by PayPal. You do NOT need a PayPal account to buy.

Items that are not priced

If an item that you are interested in does not have a 'buy' button please contact Helen to enquire whether the item may be purchased.


Delivery to the UK is included in the price. If you would like delivery outside the UK please do not use the automated process but contact Helen instead for a price to include the additional postage costs.

Order process

You will receive a receipt direct from PayPal and once we have received the appropriate funds from PayPal we will process the order as quickly as possible. Please keep your receipt as proof of payment.